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About you first: This site is for you. Your life. Your journey


I am so glad you are here. 


At you will find guidance on finding rest and relationship with God like David had in Psalm 23.  I am here for counseling when needed so you can heal in various godly ways -- following the mandate of loving God first then yourself so you can love others from a place of wholeness (Mark 12:31).

About me: Just like you my life is complex with struggles, grief, & victories.


But what led me here is around 2009, I experienced God in a shiny new way. He healed some of my emotional baggage and some odd issues I was carrying around that traditional therapy could not touch. It was so freeing (read that story here).  That experience led me on the journey of relinquishing my state license as a secular therapist and becoming a Christian therapist instead. I learned how valuable allowing God to heal was and wanted that for all my clients.  


During my emotional and spiritual healing experience,  I also learned how God communicates with us...It's not just through scripture (but you always want to make sure scripture backs it up). I also learned that He really wants to have a deep and loving friendship with us.


Why did I not know this before? To be honest,  I thought the Bible was a tad boring & it didn't relate to my life. Oh boy.


After encountering Jesus, this all changed.  The Bible is the most wild, interesting, mysterious, & loving book I have ever encountered! My whole counseling practice and career is now based on the living Bible.


Why This Site?


Belonging to something feels good. My type of work and interests are unique, helpful, & can bring people closer to God.   I have created a place for you to land and be part of an online family with other like-minded people.


I am here to share with you what I have learned in my own healing, training, & practice because it is too important not to share. I will give some Christian counseling, spiritual, & holistic tools, so that you can learn what I did and receive some emotional freedom, too.

What you need to know about my counseling approach is that God heals today! Coping has it's place, but you are not meant to just cope for the rest of your life.


Freedom is here. Healing is here. God is here.


What I Do


I am an "out of the box" retired therapist turned Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor (20 plus years in the counseling field).  Psychotherapy can be great...but on its own, doesn't always get to the root issue (s) and rarely addresses spiritual issues (see services page for more info).

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I specialize in helping wounded people heal.  Many times you will learn awesome tools in counseling or coaching but find you can't use them.  Something is blocking the way. 


That "something" is often a false belief you are subconsciously believing, a spiritual issue, & many times, a fractured soul part (also called inner child(ren) that is (are) struggling.  Once that false belief is healed, the spiritual issue is dealt with, or your hurting inner child(ren) is (are) healed you can then use the tools you learned in counseling, if needed.  Those tools can be great when you are learning new, healthier habits.

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But what about God?


Oh yes, the most important thing I hope you can take away is learning that God fiercely loves you, no matter where you are in life. If that is hard for you to believe, you might find my book helpful in learning how God loved Biblical women, many who were far from Him and who shared struggles like our own.


What Do I Believe (AKA Statement of Faith)?


I believe that God, Jesus, & Holy Spirit make up the Trinity and the Bible is the inspired Word of God written by men.


For the purposes of my work at this time, God has highlighted the following to me:


--Jesus heals emotional wounds today through miracles (this happens all the time in our sessions).


--The Holy Spirit lives in those who accept Jesus as the Son of God

(2 Corinthians 1:21-22, Acts 2:38).


--Jesus said His sheep (God's children) hear His voice (John 10:27-30).


--Jesus directs us to give our burdens to Him (Matthew 11:28-30).


--We are to renew our minds (Romans 12:1-2).


Everything else is just as important, but these are the directives for emotional healing in my practice.  


I pray you find what you are looking for and feel like you are part of a family that is striving after the same things: Healing and freedom with God leading the way.


If you think that just maybe you want to explore more, here's my hand.  Let's take this journey together!






P.S. I highly recommend signing up here to receive my new blog posts. I do not write frequently, but when I do they are often God-inspired. The message may be just for you or someone you know. 

My signature with red heart
About Me
Picture of the owner Kimberlee Herman

I am an out-of- the-box licensed clinical pastoral counselor & inner healing facilitator who helps wounded people heal holistically. Are you ready for some emotional freedom God's way?


480-808-6355  l l Scottsdale, AZ


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