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Women of the Bible to the Rescue!

When I think of the women of the Bible times, I think of women sharing their wisdom to younger generations. We do not have much of that these days, but boy I wish we did. As I get older I have a drive to mentor younger women, but I also desire to receive mentoring from women who are older than me. What about you?

So, I did a thing. It has been a whirl-wind since May of this year. I have been in a mad rush to write a book for women. This book is to help not only learn about some of the women of the Bible, but to learn how to apply their story to our lives. Hence gathering wisdom from those before us.

Working through perfectionism? Read the first chapter about Sarai/Sarah. She was far from perfect, but God intervenes in her imperfections and rescues not only her, but others whom she hurt. Or look at Martha who focused too much on performance and lost sight of the power of relationships until she encountered Jesus.

I loved sitting with each of the 12 women highlighted in this book. I learned their stories, their interactions with family and outsiders. I saw how God transformed them from ordinary to extraordinary or lost to found and free. He utilized their giftings such as Deborah's wisdom and faith or Mary's (Jesus' mom) thoughtfulness in her heart.

This book was written for you, dear sister in Christ. For you to know you are not alone in your weaknesses (we all have them). For you to know that God is on your side and to know that He will teach you and help you and bless you. I wrote this for the woman who wants to take inventory in her life and to see parallels in her life with awesome women before us. Some of these women, who were not perfect (or even expected to be), are in Jesus' lineage. Only Jesus is perfect!

Read these stories, learn from them and ponder the questions. Then take action based on what you are learning. Women of the Bible has an option to use the book in a book study. What a beautiful way to grow with other sisters in Christ!

Praying for amazing growth for you in this next year. May you see how the Creator of all things loves you deeply and widely. May you see He is for you. May you be blessed with the knowledge of Christ Jesus and how He changed everything.

Women of the Bible is available now at any bookstore for order AND is listed on Amazon as a #1 New Release! Yay!

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About Me
Picture of the owner Kimberlee Herman

I am an out-of- the-box licensed clinical pastoral counselor & inner healing facilitator who helps wounded people heal holistically. Are you ready for some emotional freedom God's way?

480-808-6355  l l Scottsdale, AZ


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